About This Webinar
Even in a healthy and “Just” environment, it can often be challenging to determine whether an act of non-compliance was accidental & unintended (and acceptable) or intentional (and not to be tolerated).
When you boil the issue down, it really can be quite simple. The problem can be, “what tools do I use, and how do I boil it down”?
In this upcoming episode of the WYVERN Wednesday Webinar series, we will discuss strategies to simplify this “willful disregard” or “honest mistake” question we often face. Because we all know, mishandling this can be a make-or-break decision on the continued well-being of your Safety Culture.
Joining Mr. Andy Day will be Dr. Tony Kern, CEO of Convergent Performance and a leading subject matter expert on Human Behavior, and Mr. Sonnie Bates, WYVERN CEO and industry leader in Safety Culture.
Please join us for this informative and engaging Webinar.