EASA – European Union Aviation Safety Agency has noticed an alarming trend in the number of reports of unreliable speed and altitude indications during the first flight(s) following the aircraft leaving storage, caused by contaminated air data systems.
Tag Archives: Risk Management
WYVERN Ltd and MRO Insider have partnered to help operators make better risk-based decisions when choosing an aircraft maintenance organization to support their business.
COVID-19 safety information for aircraft operators
Safety Management System (SMS) is a global standard throughout the aviation industry. It is required by the ICAO for all commercial aircraft operations and recognized as a basic element of professional management by civil aviation authorities around the world.
L.J. Aviation has successfully achieved Wingman Certification from Wyvern Ltd., one of the most demanding air carrier safety certifications.
Wyvern partners with Women and Drones members for EXACT UAS Assessments to show commitment to industry best practices and mitigating risk in drone operations.
Cinematic Aerospace is Undergoing EXACT UAS Assessment as Wyvern’s Newest Drone Safety Partner.