Visit the WYVERN Team at NBAA BACE Oct 17-19 at Booth C12036!

WYVERN Webinar, “Managing Your Operation Through Its Worst Day Part 2”


In Part 1 of our Emergency Preparedness series, we heard a very remarkable story of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the unimaginable news of the death of a loved one following an aviation accident. Widow of David Coffman, Tricia Coffman, graciously shared her very powerful and moving experience with us, and hopefully opened a few eyes of why safety and flight department leaders do what we do…..she got my attention and I hope she got yours.

In the aftermath of a tragedy, your organization’s number one priority is to focus on those directly involved and the surviving family members’ well-being. From initial notification to support sustainment, a comprehensive and well-trained family assistance program will be required. As we heard from Tricia’s experience, a coordinated response is critical to ensure that we are all prepared to “do the right thing” by our fellow human beings.  Tricia shared with us that the compassionate care and handling she experienced for her family was so very meaningful to help her navigate through those early days, and also long after the accident.   

In Part 2 of this series, our chief presenter will be Don Chupp, Founder, President, and CEO of Fireside Partners, one of the industry leaders in emergency response planning and execution.  As a former Director of the NTSB Office of Transportation Disaster Assistance, Don has experienced what it was like to deliver these services following several fatal aviation accidents.  Don will share with us what it takes to develop and cultivate effective family assistance as a critical component of your overarching ERP.  Also presenting will be Tom Huff, Aviation Safety Officer with Gulfstream Aerospace.  Like Don, Tom has a great passion for spending energy preparing for those future emergencies and being ready to respond to that worst day when it comes.  Please join us to hear the thoughts of Don and Tom.

Aired:   Wednesday October 28, 2020, 1:00pm US Eastern Daylight Time

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